Ross Paterson Interview
We hear from co-founder Ross Paterson sharing his experiences from over 50 years in the mission field.
Christine Paterson Interview
Co-founder Christine Paterson tells us about her life on the mission field from her childhood in Africa to present day working in Taiwan.
Christina Winrich Interview
Peter Askew Interview
Peter Askew serves cross-culturally in the north of England! His title is “Operations Manager for the Antioch Network Manchester”, an Anglican initiative, which plants churches in ethnically diverse communities and on housing estates across the Diocese of Manchester."
Henry & Betsy Interview
Henry and Betsy share their experiences of how they felt called to bring to gospel to unreached people after hearing just how many places the gospel has yet to go to.
Brad Thurston Interview
A fascinating interview with Brad Thurston, one of the early collaborators with FieldPartner. We get a insight into Brad's remarkable story of faith. From his experiences as a 'missionary kid' in Lebanon during a period of conflict, to his extraordinary journey to faith - spending a year preaching without a personal faith of his own! We hear of his early ministry and the amazing way that God brought Brad and his wife, Jan, together.